Markus "Notch" Persson has also explained that with develop close and long-term development goals for the game in an interview."The first priority is" the multiplayer mode fully functional, ", said Persson."Once that exists, I think there are to capture a huge potential competitive multiplayer modes as the flag and so on."
As for the single-player and co op experience plans Persson add "a kind of overarching narrative to the game to drive forward the player and a sense of direction, and many more new features like monster cities and Alchemy Add."
Finally, PC Gamer Minecraft has's upcoming Halloween update with new screenshots and video of the document a hellish-how to travel sub world that can travel player and teleport to and from the preview long distances in the main world.
Here is a choice excerpt from PC Gamer Preview:
to this special place where specified I don't run into any of his Bewohner.Aber later, I met my first deceased: floating jellyfish, you shoot fireballs.You are much, much bigger than I realized: several metres above by the looks of ihm.Aber keep your distance and are almost always in the air float, so it's hard to beurteilen.manchmal size it feels like you.changed
The rest which can preview along with screenshots and video to PC gamers found werden.Eines videos exploring who document below were embedded.
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